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Temple of Net
(Shetaut Neter)

This web site is dedicated to the research, practice and development of Ancient Egyptian spiritual, metaphysical and empirical healing modalities for modern times. This site is reserved for members of the Sunnu body to continue their studies and receive teachings based on Ancient Egyptian healing practices that has come down to us from very ancient times from the mystical codex sanctioned by the sages of Ancient Egypt. Here the student practitioner will find continuing education documentation, research studies and assignments for review. The public may visit this site to receive information regarding health, wellness, vitality and spiritual evolutionary health practices from the codex of the Ancient Egyptian religion, Shetaut Neter. The Sunnu body will be sharing appropriate and pertinent information for the Kemetic and world community.

Udja (Greetings), and welcome to the
On Line Ancient Egyptian Kemetic Mystical Healing Learning Center
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